I ran two workshops at the Global Assembly of the Open Forum on CSO Development Effectiveness.
I helped deliver curriculum design workshops for integrity educators from the former Soviet Union.
I delivered a presentation to the World Congress of Muslim Philanthropy about research I conducted about civil society’s experiences with international aid in Palestine.
This Week in Palestine, December, 2009, no. 140, pp. 15-18
Available for free athttp://www.thisweekinpalestine.com/details.php?id=2945&ed=176&edid=176
My article in this popular English-language magazine gives an overview of private sector philanthropy and raises questions about the strategy and impact of corporate philanthropy in Palestine.
Thematic Issues on Philanthropy and Social Innovation, 01/09, pp. 131-137
In this scholarly journal, I describe community philanthropy in Palestine, including the obstacles created by dependence on aid. I also describe innovate initiatives that are underway to encourage local giving.